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November 3, 2007

10 Immigrants Accused of Attacking Motorists

Filed under: Australia, crime, immigration, News — Tags: , , — readthis @ 3:00 pm

In Australia, Joy Bennett and Josh Winnell were stopped at an intersection when 10 Africans allegedly began kicking the car, throwing bricks and attacking Winnell.  A short while later, another motorist was also assaulted at the same intersection.

February 26, 2007

Immigrant Accused of Knowingly Spreading HIV

Filed under: Australia, crime, immigration, News — readthis @ 5:39 am

In Australia, HIV infected immigrant Solomon Kachingwe Mwale is accused of knowingly spreading HIV through unprotected sex.

February 3, 2007

Non-Muslims Banned From Washrooms

Muslims at La Trobe University in Australia now have their own washrooms that are locked with a secret code that is kept secret from non-Muslims. Non-Muslims are banned from using them.

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