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November 26, 2007

Defense in Channon Christian Case Claims Case is “heavily publicized”

In the Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom double rape and murder case, defense attorney Philip Lomonaco claims the case has been heavily publicized and that there is a news feeding frenzy, preventing suspect Eric Boyd from receiving a fair trial.

Lomonaco is especially critical of blogs, claiming they are spreading lies because some reported that the victim’s bodies had been sexually mutilated. Channon and Christopher were carjacked, raped and murdered. Cleaning fluid was poured down Channon Christian’s throat and she was dumped in the garbage. Christopher Newsom was set on fire. However Lomonaco may be right. There is no reliable evidence suggesting sexual mutilation.


In January, Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian were on a date when they were carjacked and kidnapped. Christopher was murdered and his body burned soon after the carjacking. Christian was kept alive longer and was repeatedly raped. Cleaning fluid had been poured into her mouth to hide DNA evidence before she was murdered and thrown in the garbage.

Suspects Eric Boyd, George Thomas, Lemaricus Davidson, Letalvis Cobbins and Vanessa Coleman:

Suspects Eric Boyd, George Thomas, Lemaricus Davidson, Letalvis Cobbins and Vanessa Coleman

Victims Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom:

Victims Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom

None of the suspects have been charged with a hate crime because there is apparently no evidence that the suspects engaged in name calling while they were allegedly raping and murdering the young couple. The major news outlets continue to ignore the story.

August 29, 2007

Suspect Faces More Jail Time in Channon Christian Murder

Eric Dewayne “E” Boyd, one of the suspects in the Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom rape and murder, is facing more potential prison time after being accused of assisting alleged murderer Lemaricus Devall “Slim” Davidson after the crime.

June 16, 2007

Second Rally for Channon Christian in Knoxville

Filed under: Channon Christian, crime, murder, News, rape, sexual assault, Tennessee — readthis @ 6:36 am

A rally to protest the rape and murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom will take place at the Knoxville Courthouse today. Organizers say the suspects in the case should be charged with hate crimes.

12:19pm Update: You can hear a live broadcast from the rally here.

6:21pm Update: Approximately 200 people attended the rally to call for hate crime charges against the suspected murderers. Some counter protesters showed up but were far outnumbered.

A larger third rally that will include participants from the first two is planned for September 2nd.

May 26, 2007

Rally for Channon Christian Today

Filed under: Channon Christian, News, Tennessee — readthis @ 6:20 am

Today a rally will be held in Knoxville in honor of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. The public is invited to participate.

Time: 3pm Eastern
Location: The Courthouse at 400 W. Main, Knoxville, Tennessee

More info.

May 21, 2007

Parents of Channon Christian Comment

Filed under: Channon Christian, crime, hate, hate crime, murder, News, rape, sexual assault, Tennessee — readthis @ 9:33 am

Channon Christian’s parents have publicly commented on their daughter’s rape and murder. Gary Christian refers to the suspects as a pack of wild animals.

For more links related to the rape and murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, see

Update: Parents of Christopher Newsom Comment

May 19, 2007

Channon Christian Murder Suspect Accused in More Crimes

Filed under: Channon Christian, crime, News, Tennessee — readthis @ 8:37 am

Lemaricus Davidson is accused of committing additional crimes after the rape and murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. He is now accused of robbing a Pizza Hut at gunpoint and attempting to steal a woman’s purse.

For more links related to the rape and murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, see

Update: Parents of Channon Christian Comment

May 17, 2007

Channon Christian Rape Suspects in Court Today

Four of the Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom rape and murder suspects are expected to appear in court today. A trial date could be set.

Update: The suspects will be tried separately beginning in May of 2008. The state has not yet decided to seek the death penalty.


In January, Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian were on a date when they were carjacked and kidnapped. Christopher was murdered and his body burned soon after the carjacking. Christian was kept alive longer and was repeatedly raped. Cleaning fluid had been poured into her mouth to hide DNA evidence before she was murdered and thrown in the garbage.

Suspects Eric Boyd, George Thomas, Lemaricus Davidson, Letalvis Cobbins and Vanessa Coleman:

Suspects Eric Boyd, George Thomas, Lemaricus Davidson, Letalvis Cobbins and Vanessa Coleman

Victims Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom:

Victims Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom

None of the suspects have been charged with a hate crime because there is apparently no evidence that the suspects engaged in name calling while they were allegedly raping and murdering the young couple. The major news outlets continue to ignore the story.

Update: Channon Christian Murder Suspect Accused in More Crimes

May 16, 2007

Michelle Malkin Video on Channon Christian Rape

Michelle Malkin has released a video addressing the Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom rapes and murders and the lack of coverage by the old media.

Update: Channon Christian Rape Suspects in Court Today

May 13, 2007

Charlie Daniels Speaks Out About Channon Christian Rape

Charlie Daniels, the famous musician and resident of Tennessee, has spoken out about the Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom rapes and murders on his web site. Charlie slams the racist media blackout and points out the hypocrisy of the Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson crowd. Go, Charlie!

Update: Michelle Malkin Video on Channon Christian Rape

April 20, 2007

Rally Inspired by Channon Christian Rape/Murder

Filed under: Channon Christian, crime, murder, News, rape, sexual assault, Tennessee — readthis @ 9:01 am

A rally to protest black on white crime, inspired by the rape and murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, is planned for the old Knox County Courthouse on June 16. For background on this brutal crime, see previous entries.

Update: Charlie Daniels Speaks Out About Channon Christian Rape

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