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March 15, 2007

Illegal Immigrant Accused of Brutal Rape

Filed under: crime, Illegal Immigration, immigration, News, rape, sexual assault — readthis @ 2:10 pm

Illegal immigrant Armando Alvarez Morales is accused of raping a woman in his apartment.  Police say Morales convinced the woman to come to his apartment where he beat, raped and sodomized her for several hours before pushing her out the front door.  The victim suffered several broken bones and bruises over her entire body.

Child Porn Found on Illegal Immigrant’s Computer

Filed under: California, crime, Illegal Immigration, immigration, News — readthis @ 1:57 pm

Illegal immigrant Ramiro Octavio Rocha Lopez was arrested on child porn charges after technicians reported that they found movies and images on his computer of children believed to be as young as three years old.

Illegal Immigrant Accused of Stabbing NYC Cop

Filed under: crime, Illegal Immigration, immigration, New York, News — readthis @ 1:39 pm

Illegal immigrant Hugo Hernandez, who had previously been deported for attacking six police officers, is accused of slashing and stabbing a New York City police officer who told him to put out his cigarette. Despite heavy bleeding and a stab wound that penetrated his skull, officer Angel Cruz managed to shoot and capture the suspect.

Christopher Newsom Honored

Filed under: crime, hate, hate crime, murder, News, rape, sexual assault, Tennessee — readthis @ 10:18 am

Christopher Newsom’s former high school will honor his memory with a marble plaque mounted at the baseball field where he used to play. Christopher’s parents accepted the plaque in a ceremony at home plate. It reads “In memory of Chris Newsom. 1983 to 2007. Safe at Home. #14.”


In January, Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian were on a date when they were carjacked and kidnapped. Christopher was murdered and his body burned soon after the carjacking. Christian was kept alive longer and was repeatedly raped.  Cleaning fluid was poured into her mouth before she was murdered and thrown in the garbage.

Suspects Eric Boyd, George Thomas, Lemaricus Davidson, Letalvis Cobbins and Vanessa Coleman:

Suspects Eric Boyd, George Thomas, Lemaricus Davidson, Letalvis Cobbins and Vanessa Coleman

Victims Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom:

Victims Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom

None of the suspects have been charged with a hate crime and the major news outlets continue to ignore the story.

Update: Suspect in Channon Christian Murder in Court

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